
Raspberry Varieties


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Ever-bearing and Summer-bearing Raspberries

gold raspberries Raspberry plants can be divided into two categories based the season in which they produce fruit.  Ever-bearing varieties produce fruit in the summer as well as the fall, while summer-bearing varieties only produce fruit in the summer.  Raspberry plants can also be divided into categories by color; varieties may produce reddish fruit or fruit in shades of yellow/gold, purple, and black.

Popular Raspberry Varieties

Popular varieties include Amity, Latham, Meeker, Willamette, Fall Gold, Brandywine, and Black Hawk, as well as many others.  Amity raspberries are ever-bearing with medium to large dark red berries that are very firm.  They feature a distinctive raspberry flavor which is excellent for pies and jams.  Developed in Minnesota, Latham raspberries are summer-bearing, with round, deep-red berries ranging in size from small to large.  Meeker raspberries are also summer-bearing, producing a large deep-red thimble-shaped berry with high sugar content.  Summer-bearing Willamette raspberries produce a firm, conical, medium to large, dark-red berry and have a slightly tart taste due to lower sugar content.  Fall Gold raspberry plants are ever-bearing, producing golden-colored medium to large conical berries that are extremely sweet.  Originating in New York, Brandywine raspberries are summer-bearing, with large purple fruit.  Black Hawk is a black medium-large raspberry originating in Iowa and peaking in mid-summer.

red raspberries - macro photo The commercial availability of raspberries depends largely on location and growing season, but most varieties freeze well and are a treat to be enjoyed no matter what the season!

Some knowledge of the different raspberry varieties and cultivars can aid gardeners and farmers in growing raspberries successfully.  The tables below highlight the characteristics of many commonly-grown raspberries, and can help you determine which varieties are suited to your local climate and soil conditions.

Red Raspberries

Variety Season Fruit Size Origin USDA Zone
Algonquin Mid to Late Summer Small-Medium British Columbia 5 - 8
Amity Ever-bearing Medium Oregon 3 - 8
August Red Ever-bearing Medium New Hampshire 3 - ?
Autumn Bliss Ever-bearing Large England 3 - ?
Autumn Britten Ever-bearing Large England 4 - ?
Boyne Early Summer Small-Medium Manitoba 3 - 7
Canby Mid-Summer Large Oregon 5 - 8
Caroline Ever-bearing Large Maryland 4 - 8
Chilcotin Mid to Late Summer Large    
Citadel Mid Summer Large Maryland 3 - 8
Comet Early to Mid Summer Medium Canada  
Dinkum Ever-bearing Large Australia 3 - 11
Dorman Red Mid June Large   6 - 10
Double Delight Early Fall     3 - ?
Durham Fall Medium   4 - 7
Encore Late Summer Large New York 4 - ?
Fallred Ever-bearing Medium New Hampshire 4 - 7
Festival Mid-Summer Medium Ontario 3 - ?
Gatineau Very Early Summer Medium Ontario  
Haida Late Summer Medium    
Heritage Ever-bearing Medium-Large New York 4 - 8
Hilton Mid-Summer Large New York  
Indian Summer Fall Large   4 - 7
K81-6 Late Summer Large Nova Scotia  
Killarney Early to Mid Summer Medium Manitoba 4 - 6
Latham ? Small Minnesota 3 - 8
Lauren Mid Summer Large Maryland 4 - ?
Meeker Mid Summer Medium-Large Washington State 4 - 8
Newburgh Mid Summer Medium New York  
Nova Ever-bearing Medium-Large Nova Scotia 3 - 8
Polana Mid-Fall Large Poland 4 - ?
Prelude Very Early Summer Medium New York 4 - ?
Puyallup Mid-Summer Large   4 - 8
Qualicum Mid-Summer Large    
Red River Early Fall Medium   3 - ?
Redwing Ever-bearing Large Minnesota 4 - 8
Regency Mid-Summer Medium    
Reveille Early Summer Medium-Large Maryland 4 - 8
Taylor Late Summer Medium-Large New York 4 - 8
Titan Mid to Late Summer Very Large New York  
Tulameen Very Late Summer Large   6 - 9
Willamette Mid-Summer Medium Oregon 5 - 8

black raspberries
black raspberry cluster
black raspberry plant stem
Photographs of black raspberries

Yellow/Gold Raspberries

Variety Season Fruit Size Origin USDA Zone
Fallgold Ever-bearing Medium   5 - 9
Golden Harvest Ever-bearing Large New York  
Goldie Ever-Bearing Large New York 5 - 7
Kiwi Gold Ever-Bearing   New Zealand 4 - 8

Purple Raspberries

Variety Season Fruit Size Origin USDA Zone
Brandywine Late Summer Large New York 3 - ?
Royalty Late Large New York 4 - 7
Success Mid to Late Summer Small New Hampshire  

Black Raspberries

Variety Season Fruit Size Origin USDA Zone
Allen Early to Mid Summer Large New York 5 - 8
Black Hawk Mid Summer Medium-Large Iowa 5 - 9
Bristol   Medium-Large New York 5 - 8
Cumberland Mid to Late Summer Large Pennsylvania 5 - 9
Haut Early   Maryland 5 - 8
Jewel Early to Mid Summer Medium-Large New York 5 - 8
Munger Mid Summer Large Ohio  

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